Dream House Collage Exhibition
"Dream House" Collage Exhibition, School Lobby The school's lobby, main hallway and admissions office was used to showcase all the...

Some Painted Wood Constructions
Here are some painted wood constructions done by Kindergarteners and First graders. They represent the culmination of this 14 week...

The Sculpture Exhibition
The Sculpture Exhibition had a special separate opening which transformed the cafeteria into a gallery space before and after the Family...

Family Engagement in 3-D Paper Sculpture
In conjunction with the opening of the sculpture "Dream House" exhibition I gave a Family Engagement in 3D paper sculpture. Revisiting...

Painting in the Round
Painting in the round to add color to wooden forms Painting in the round means we must take in a work from all sides and consider what we...

Color in Sculpture
Sidney Gordin David Smith Color incorporated into sculpture is not so unusual especially in modern art but its formal demands differ...

Adding detail and pattern to our 3-D Dream Houses
Added details and patterns that enclose and radiate from the base Sustaining and attending is a necessary habit of mind which I always ...

Composing and Gluing Our 3-D Forms as Dream Houses
Composing and gluing 3-D wooden forms We started this week to compose and arrange our 3-D wooded forms as dream houses. The previous...

A Little Something about ELL Teachers
Sometimes the work I do is in collaboration with other classroom teachers, we plan and work together on projects that integrate art with...

Exploring Wood
What gusto all my students had when they explored this medium on their own and as collaborators in a group! Before we started and after...