Adding detail and pattern to our 3-D Dream Houses

Added details and patterns that enclose and radiate from the base
Sustaining and attending is a necessary habit of mind which I always conscientiously include in my curriculum and in this case I built upon the need to incorporate small detail work through pattern making. Many of the wooden forms I purchased were abundantly repetitive but required mental sorting and categorizing while other items were more limited and I knew
more coveted by my students. I remembered thinking when I wrote my curriculum, might it be possible to exploit this aspect of the material and how it might be met into a lesson? Would they be able to use both their minds and feelings in this new challenge as they continued exploring to make their designs more meaningful?
The two above examples demonstrate how this lesson was utilized to finish this work. Many of my students became sensitive to the base and sought an extension of their construction work by moving into its available space to design patterns that embraced or radiated outward. Other works
became intensely elaborated and continued within the design itself building upwards, sensitive to the height above the base( see below).
Reflections were very animated. Everyone wanted to share even shy students who I sometimes had to prod to speak in front of the group. They all had imaginative stories about their pieces. Some told of palaces, castles and forts, others were more focused on interiors with furniture and special secret rooms. Once more they all seemed much more interested in each others work. Many more questions were asked: "What did you do?" "Where is that?" "Is that the secret room?" "Is this your flatscreen?"
I must admit I had a lot of fun( see above).

Elaborated patterns that move in height up from the base