Project Overview and Goals

Getting Started
Students will create 2-D and 3-D artworks related to Social Studies unit on Community using collage, wooden forms and paint.
Create a collage that demonstrates experimentation with placement of shapes, color, cut and torn paper, composition, layering and textured materials.
Create arrangements with 3-d forms that demonstrate balance and leaning.
Create expressive forms through texture, additive and subtractive techniques
Other Art Making Goals:
Develop critical thinking skills, such as problem solving and decision making.
Develop fine motor skills; combine large shapes with smaller shapes; create patterns and details; mix primary colors into secondaries & tertiaries colors, mix white to create tints; use imagination; collaborate as a team building and designing 3-D structures.
ELL Goals:
Vocabulary acquisition through direct observation and the art process, association of key words labeled with an image, self-esteem and the communicative development of sharing one’s art with peers and adults.
Teacher goals:
Continue to build and re-enforce descriptive words from the art experience in their classrooms through writing and oral feedback.