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Family Engagement/Self-Portraits

Families work together creating self-portraits Family Portraits

This residency has an additional component outside of the regular art lessons that I have been teaching that involves the entire family. In this Family Engagement parents were invited along with their children to attend a watercolor workshop that explored identity and the self. Standing mirrors provided reflections on either side of the table set ups and watercolor sets were given to each artist as well as two differently sized brushes. Preliminary instructions given to the entire group of about 35 adults and children included making skin tones, layering transparent colors to make new colors and textures and deciding where working with different sized brushes maybe appropriate.

Self-portraits give students an opportunity for self-understanding by encouraging them to reflect on different facets of their identities. When displayed self-portraits can give others insight into the artists' multi-layered identities. In addition self-portraits can provide ELLs with a creative way to demonstrate understanding through a task that is not purely language-based. This task focuses on spatial/artistic and intra-personal learning modalities. At the same time connection to anti-bias education provides the means of creating self-portraits that teaches students to think deeply about identities, values, interests and beliefs, all central to the goals of anti-bias education. Students can gain a better understanding of the diversity within their group while reflecting on their own identities.

The main feature embedded in this workshop is about parents working with their children. What a thrill it is for both child and parent to share this kind of contact. I saw so many interpersonal relations that supported learning and intimacy. Parents were pleased and delighted to help and share while children blossomed under their parents attention. Talk about the spirit of community and how art in school can provide a space in which such a thing can be fostered!

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